No-1, Ist Cross Street, Off. II Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai – 600 028.
Phone : + 91 44-24 311 411 / 412 / 413 / 414 / 415 + 91 44-24 311 416

About Us
Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd

Starting with an initial bed strength of a mere 6 beds, Madras ENT Research Foundation (MERF) has grown into one of the biggest ENT hospitals in the country. More than the quantitative growth, what has been gratifying for us has been the qualitative growth. The institution has today facilities which can be the envy of many an ENT center in the most advanced countries.
Thus MERF has been in the forefront of the Cochlear Implant Scenario in India and today has one of the largest Cochlear Implant clinics in the world. It has also been a pioneer in introducing lasers in the field of Otorhinolaryngology.
MERF was the first center in the South and South East Asia to start a Pediatric Auditory Brain Stem Implant program and has one of the largest series of this very sophisticated technology in the world.
Madras ENT Research Foundation was one of the earliest centers in the country to start a dedicated sleep medicine department and today, boasts one of the most advanced sleep medicine departments in the country.
MERF has over the years pioneered several new and path breaking advances in this part of the world.
Amongst its notable achievements;
Pioneer in Auditory Brain Stem and Pediatric ABI in South and South East Asia.
Pioneer in Laser surgeries in India and first center to introduce the advanced KTP 532 Laser in India.
First center to perform a totally implantable active middle ear implant (Envoy Esteem Device) in the country.
First center to start Cerebello – pontine angle endoscopy in the country.
First center to start a dedicated department for Community Otolaryngology in the country with a mobile Otolaryngology and audiology unit.
One of the first centers in the country to start a dedicated voice lab to care for the professional voice user and one of first to introduce a Stroboscope in India.
Starting a dedicated department of Neuro-otology with a state-of-the-art vestibular lab.
The hospital boasts an array of advanced technological equipment in every part of the speciality and constantly upgrades its facilities.
Pioneered the concept of satellite centers for hearing habilitation with centers in Coimbatore, Madurai and Trichy as on date.
First center in this part of the world to introduce Skull base and Cerebello-pontine angle surgery.
First center to introduce and perform Balloon-Sinuplasty in India.
Has one of the largest series of Tracheal Stenosis surgeries in India and pioneered the introduction of Nitinol Tracheal Stents in India.
The professionals who make up Madras ENT Research Foundation are among the best brains in the field of Ear, Nose, Throat and Head & Neck surgery in the country and set standards for other institutions to emulate.
Providing you with the best doctors for the best care

Prof. Mohan Kameswaran
Managing Director

Mrs. Indira M. Kameswaran
Executive Director

Prof. RS. Anand Kumar
Academic Director

Dr. M. Jagannath
Administrative Director