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MERF Academia represents the academic wing of MERF Hospital. The theme of our academia logo symbolises the four main aspects of good medical practice namely Knowledge, Skills, Research and Ethics, all of which are upheld to the highest standards in our institution. Under this academic banner we constantly strive to enhance all aspects of learning among our peers and colleagues by conducting a series of themed workshops, structured CME's and Hands-on training programs which are accredited with CME points by The Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
Madras ENT Research Foundation has to its credit numerous academic achievements. The consultants and students regularly publish articles in international and national journals and participate regularly in various national and international conferences. Consultants and students have won many Prestigious Gold medals and awards in academic events.
Madras ENT Research Foundation hosts scientific workshops and conferences on a regular basis. The hands-on temporal bone workshop conducted three times a year is immensely popular amongst young ENT surgeons across the country and abroad. Other workshops regularly conducted include Laser workshops, Audiology workshops and Cochlear Implant workshops. All this has given the institution the respectability that it enjoys in the academic world. The culmination of its academic achievement was the recognition by the National Board of Examinations as a post-graduate center, for training post-graduate students in the field of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery.
MERF academic institute is affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, for conducting PhD program in Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, Audiology and speech language pathology. MERF also conducts postdoctoral fellowship in implantation otology under the aegis of the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University.
This department is headed by Prof. Dr. R. S. Anand Kumar.
The institution is also recognized by the Armed Forces for higher training of their ENT specialists in the realm of neuro-otology, implantation and skull base surgery.
MERF also receives several overseas fellows each year from neighboring countries and they receive training in advanced surgical techniques in the ENT specialty.
PhD Programme:
Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd is recognized to conduct Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme in conjunction with The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai from January 2013.
1) PhD in Otorhinolaryngology (2 candidates)
2) PhD in Audiology (2 candidates)
3) PhD in Speech & Language Pathology (2 candidates)
Two candidates will be selected every year for the Ph.D. Courses begin in January and eligible candidates have to apply to MERF before 15th September of previous year.
PhD in Otorhinolaryngology –
Duration: For Candidates with Masters Degree in ENT (M.S.) is 2 yrs (full time) / 3 yrs (part time) and for candidates with Diplomate of the National Board - 3 yrs (full time) / 4 yrs (part time).
PhD in Audiology / Speech and Language pathology –
Duration: For Candidates with Masters Degree in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology is 3 yrs (full time) / 4 yrs (part time).
PhD scholars-
Dr. Sathiya Murali, Consultant ENT Surgeon, MERF was the first Ph.D scholar and her research topic was "Factors influencing Cortical auditory evoked potentials in cochlear implantees".
Subsequently three Ph.D scholars are due to complete their doctorate namely.
1) Dr. P Vijaya Krishnan, Consultant ENT Surgeon, MERF - Research topic is "Study on prevalence and risk factors for sleep disordered breathing in syndromic children".
2) Dr. S. Sudhamaheswari, Consultant ENT Surgeon, MERF - Research topic is "Study of etiological factors, risk factors and genetic association in children with congenital bilateral profound hearing loss in the state of Tamil Nadu".
3) Mr. R. Ranjith, Chief Audiologist, MERF Institute of Speech and Hearing - Research topic is "Cortical auditory evoked potentials in Auditory Brainstem implantees".
Implantation Otology Fellowship programme
The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University has accredited MERF to conduct post doctoral fellowship programme in implantation otology from January 2011. This fellowship is for 1 year catering to two young ENT surgeons every year with interest in the field of implantation otology. Candidates with MS ENT/ DNB ENT are eligible to apply to MERF for the same by July each year.
The programme has successfully completed 12 years producing nearly 25 cochlear implant surgeons who are running CI programme in various parts of the country and abroad.
DNB Training Programme:
The culmination of its academic achievement was the recognition by The National Board of Examinations as a post-graduate center, for training post-graduate students in the field of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery. The DNB program was active for 20 years from 2001 to 2020 and has produced nearly 40 successful ENT surgeons nation-wide, who are today the torch bearers for our institution’s pride.
Dr. Kiran Natarajan, who is now a consultant in MERF was our first DNB candidate, when DNB programme was started in MERF in 2001. She was the first DNB candidate who won the first "Prof. S. Kameswaran's Gold Medal" in this specialty. Dr. K. Karthikeyan, who did DNB with us, also won the "Prof. S. Kameswaran's Gold Medal" in the year 2008.
Currently MERF has an Academic MOU with the following Institutions for Clinical training of MS (ENT) Post Graduates, who visit our hospital for their one-month advanced training.
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry
SRM Institute of Medical Sciences, Kaattankulathur, Chennai
Saveetha Medical College, Chengelpet
Tagore Medical College, Chennai
Senior Registrarship Program:
This one-year certified senior registrarship program gives an immense exposure to advance ENT surgeries for young ENT surgeons who have just completed their MS/DNB course. This is a paid fulltime course which involves first hand training in patient management across the different fields of ENT. The registrars are expected to perform in house duties, cover the wards, perform outpatient procedures and supervised surgery in the OT under the guidance and mentorship of MERF faculty.
The institution is recognized as a higher training center for training post graduates from Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital, Annamalai University, Chidambaram and Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry.
In the field of academics too, Madras ENT Research Foundation has had its fair share of achievements. The consultants and students regularly publish articles in international and national journals, and participate in paper presentations, as guest speaker and as panelist in panel discussions in various national and international level conferences.
All India Otological Microsurgical Dissection Workshop
MERF was one of the first academic institutions to start a two day comprehensive hand on temporal bone dissection course which is regularly held three times in a year during february, july and november. This is a very well sought after course which has fine tuned and honed the skills of many young ENT surgeons from all across India over the past two decades.
Currently the All India Temporal bone workshop is entering its 72nd edition under the mentorship of Prof. Mohan Kameswaran and Prof R S Anand Kumar.
The course comprises intensive and interactive two day hands on training for a batch of 20 delegates which includes predominantly post graduates, registrars and junior consultants. The course also features a spectrum of eminent otologists from across India and abroad who visit as invited faculty. The delegates are personally supervised by a team of in-house faculty who also interact and demonstrate the various procedures to them. Registration is done via the following link. Candidates are required to fill in the online form and make the necessary payment as displayed.
Clinic Audiological Meeting:
MERF conducts a joint clinico audiological meeting (CAC) along with MERFISH twice in a year to discuss interesting cases, redefining management outcomes based on audiological criteria and to understand the advancements in the field of audiology based on actual clinical scenarios. This meeting is usually held on Saturday afternoons and is eagerly participated by young audiologists in training and ENT post graduates across Chennai.
Clinic Pathological Meeting:
MERF conducts a joint clinico pathological meeting (CPC) along with Dr Susruthan Diagnostics twice in a year to discuss interesting pathologies. This reflects on a multi disciplinary team approach as practiced in the western world to offer the safest and best options for evidence based treatment of patient with complex and rare pathologies.This meeting is usually held on Saturday afternoons and is eagerly participated by young pathologists and ENT post graduates and registrars across Chennai.
MERF Academia Series:
MERF Academia represents the academic wing of MERF Hospital. The theme of our academia logo symbolizes the four main aspects of good medical practice namely Knowledge, Skills, Research and Ethics, all of which are upheld to the highest standards in our institution. Under this academic banner we constantly strive to enhance all aspects of learning among our peers and colleagues by conducting a series of themed workshops, structured CME's and Hands-on training programs which are accredited with CME points by The Tamil Nadu Medical Council. The MERF academia series was launched in September 2018 and has been hosting a series of CME events including live surgical workshop, panel discussion, invited guest lectures, hands on dissection modules and webinar series during covid, all under its academia banner.
MERF-VHS meeting
MERF conducts a joint ENT and Neurosurgical meeting along with Dr M C Vausdevan and team of ALNC Neurosurgical center at Voluntary health services, Tharamani twice in a year to discuss interesting skull base pathologies which is useful for both ENT and Neurosurgical colleagues alike.
1st MERF ALNC Endo Skull Base Meeting was held on Sun 13 March 2022 and the 2nd MERF - ALNC Lat Skull Base Symposium = 30 Oct 2022. The third meeting is due shortly and is planned to include live surgery with Neuro navigational assistance and neuro monitoring.
Both MERF and VHS regularly collaborate in the realm of pediatric auditory brainstem implantation with their series today being the largest in Asia over the last two decades with nearly 100 ABIs completed.
MERF regularly conducts mock OSCE/ Practical/ Viva exams for exams going to graduates ( MS/ Dnb) once a year. This course is highly popular and invites students from all over India with eminent and experienced faculty actively involved in the program. The OSCE exam is exactly conducted as per the course syllabus of the NBE and provides a candid opportunity to the exam going participants to experience a real exam scenario. All candidates are appraised and given personal feedback regarding the performance by the seasoned examiners.
We have been conducting the Temporal Bone workshop since 1997 with wet bones provided by us for dissection. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for us to procure wet bones. So rather than stop the Workshop altogether, we have decided to continue the Workshops with the following modifications- We will continue to provide the infrastructure but the candidate will have to bring their own wet bones for dissection dissection by making their own arrangements.
We will provide all other facilities like:
1. Microscope
2. Microdrill
3. Set of micro instruments and the course will be co-ordinated by Prof.Mohan Kameswaran.
The course fee will be Rs.5000 /-
We are very sorry about this development but we have no alternative as we are unable to get wet bones.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yours truly,
Prof. R.S. Anand Kumar
Director- Academics
Any queries regarding the upcoming workshop scheduled on 20th & 21st July 2024, kindly contact,
Email- merfacademics@gmail.com
Click here to download the registration form.
Institutional Publications
Editorial on " Cochlear Implant in Children Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics April - June 1999, Vol. 1, No: 1, pp 7.
Laryngeal Stenosis: Current Management Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Balakrishnan. K., Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics April - June 1999, Vol. 1, No: 1, pp 17 - 20.
Vertigo in Children Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Dr. Sathiya Murali. K., Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics July - Sept 1999, Vol. 1, No: 2, pp 167 - 171.
Unusual Causes of Vertigo in the Tropics Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Vertigo Update Sept – Nov 1999, Vol. 4, No: 2, pp 15 – 17.
Cochlear Implantation Prof. Mohan Kameswaran ENT – What's New Jan – Mar 2001, Volume II, Issue 3. pp 3 – 8.
Clinical Applications of Neural Response Telemetry Prof. Mohan Kameswaran ENT – What's New Jan – Mar 2002, Volume III, Issue 7. pp 13 – 16.
Allergic Fungal Rhino sinusitis Prof. Mohan Kameswaran ENT – What's New Apr – Jan 2002, Vol. III, Issue 8, pp 5 – 11.
Endoscopic Laser Arytenoidectomy in B/L Abductor Paralysis Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Annals of Endocrine Surgery Nov – 2002, Vol. VII, No. 7, pp 34 – 35.
Causes Central of Vertigo Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Vertigo Viewpoint Vol 1, Number 4, 2003.
Efficacy of KTP/532 Laserization combined with intraluminal Uraflex Stent for Tracheal Stenosis Asian Journal of ENT Vol. 1, No: 1, Jan - Mar 2003.
Cochlear Implantation: the present & future Prof. Mohan Kameswaran A Guide to ENT Practice Vol. 2, pp 31-37
Unusual Presentation Of a Giant Glomus Tumor Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Dr. Kiran Natarajan, Prof. R. S. Anand Kumar, Dr. Sathiya Murali, Dr. George Thomas Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 57, No.3, pp 196 – 199, July – Sep 2003.
Recent Advances in Evaluation and Management of Tinnitus Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Dr. Sathiya Murali Vertigo Viewpoint Volume 2, Number 3, 2004
Cochlear Implantation in Mondini Dysplasia – Case Report Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Lt. Ramakrishnan Col N Indian Journal of Otology Vol. 10, pp 34 – 37, Dec 2004.
Auditory Brainstem Implantation: The First Indian Experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, M. C. Vasudevan et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 57, No.1, pp 58 – 63, Jan – Mar 2005.
Cochlear Implantation-The Indian Scenario Prof. Mohan Kameswaran ENT News Vol.14, No.3, pp 65-67, Jul-Aug 2005
Cochlear Implantation in Ossified Cochlea-MERF Experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Prof. R. S. Anand Kumar, Dr. Sathiya Murali, Dr. Vijaya Krishnan Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol.57, No. 4, pp 327-329, Oct-Dec 2005
KTP-532 Laser in the Management of Rhinosporidiosis Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Prof. R. S. Anand Kumar, Dr. Sathiya Murali et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol.57, No. 4, pp 298-300, Oct-Dec 2005
The etiology of management of atrophic rhinitis – Review Article S. N. Dutt, Prof. Mohan Kameswaran The Journal of Laryngology and Otology Vol 119, pp 843-852, Nov 2005
Management of Laryngotracheal Stenosis-The MERF Experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, R.S.A.Kumar, et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Special Issue –II, pp 459-462, 2005
Clinical audit of outcomes of cochlear implantation an Indian Experience, Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol.58, No. 1, pp 69-73, Jan - Mar 2006
Cochlear Implantation in Multi-Handicapped Patients: The MERF Experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Prof. R. S. Anand Kumar et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol.58, No. 2, pp 168-171, April - June 2006
Surgical Management of Trismus Due to Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis – Lysis of Fibrotic Bands with the KTP – 532 Laser Prof. Mohan Kameswaran, Dr. Dilip Raghavan, et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol.58, No. 3, pp 229 - 231, July - September 2006.
Auditory Brain Stem Implant – A Case report Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Karnataka Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Vol.1, Issue 1, pp 25 – 28 October 2006.
Implantable Hearing Devices Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Souvenir 19th NEBAOICON 2006 pp 23-27, November 2006.
Laryngeal Thrush: MERF Experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol.58, No. 4, pp 329 - 331, October - December 2006.
What's New in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al ENT Force 'Hear-say' Special MILENT 2007 2007.02 ed, pp 13 – 16, March, 2007.
Primary Nasal Tuberculosis – A Case Report Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 59, No.1, pp 87 - 89, January – March 2007.
Cochlear Implantation in Branchio-Oto-Renal syndrome – A Surgical Challenge Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 59, No.1, pp 280-283, July-September 2007.
Alveolar soft part sarcoma of tongue base – a rare presentation of a rare tumor Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 59, No.1, pp 393-395, October- December 2007.
Cochlear Endoscopy & Endoscopy of the Cerebellopontine Angle – Current Status Prof. Mohan Kameswaran Andhra Pradesh Journal of and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 2 (2007 – 2008), pp 14 – 16.
Balloon Sinuplasty- A technical Innovation in Sinus Surgery Prof. Mohan Kameswaran ENT – What's New? Vol - IV, Issue-10, July - September 2008
Papillary carcinoma in a supra hyoid thyroglossal duct cyst-an unusual presentation Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery January-March 2009, 61: 82-85.
Balloon Sinuplasty-The First Indian Experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery April – June 2009, 61: 99 - 104.
Unusual presentations of thyroid malignancies-a case series Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery July-September 2009, 61: 230-234.
Totally implantable hearing aid surgical technique and the first Indian experience with Envoy esteem Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery July-September 2009, 61: 245-251.
Balloon Sinuplasty in chronic rhinosinusitis – current status Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Annual Journal of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery The North Eastern Branch of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India Vol: 17, 2008 – 2009.
Saprophytic Myotic Infections of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal – Fungal Rhinosinusitis September – December, Vol: 1, No: 1, pg: 25-31, 2009
Speech Disorders in Children Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics Apr – June 1999, Vol. 1, No. 1
Auditory Midbrain Implants – A Window to the Central Auditory System Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al "ENT-What's New?" Jan – March 2010, Vol.-VI, Issue -15, pg: 3-7.
Totally Implantable Hearing Devices Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Otorhinolaryngology Clinics – Management of Sensorineural Hearing Loss May-August 2010, Vol.2, No.2, pg: 139-142.
Auditory Brainstem Implants – A review article Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Otorhinolaryngology Clinics – Management of Sensorineural Hearing Loss May-August 2010, Vol.2, No.2, pg: 151-155.
Magnet Migration in a Cochlear Implantee – A Serendipitous Diagnosis. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery April – June 2010, Vol.62, No.2, pg: 181-185.
The Pulsatile Stapes: An Unusual sign in Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Vol.62, Supplement–I, 2010, pg: 16-19.
Paranasal Sinuses - "The Aerocrine Organ" Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al "ENT-What's New?" Vol.-VI, Issue -16, 2011, pg: 4-7.
Videostroboscopy in laryngopharyngeal reflux disorder Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Phonosurgery & Laryngology July – Dec 2011, 1 (2), pg: 19-20
A Clinical Study of the Efficacy & Outcomes of Balloon Sinuplasty in Chronic Rhinosinusitis. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Gujarat Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery August 2011, Volume 8, No.2, pg: 4-7
Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome – An Overview. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Gujarat Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery December 2011, Volume 98, No.4.
Endolymphatic Sac Tumour: A Neoplastic cause for Meniere's Syndrome Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Dec 2011, DOI 10.1007/s1 2070-011-0395-3
A Study of Complications and Morbidity Profile in Cochlear Implantation: The MERF Experience. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Dec 2011, DOI 10.1007/s12070-011-0387-3
Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome – An Overview Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Gujarat Journal of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Vol 8 Number 2 Dec 2011 – Editorial article
Neuro-Otology Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Ramamurthi & Tandon's Textbook of Neurosurgery, Volume 1, 3rd Edition, pg: 67-80
Cochlear and Brain Stem Implants Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Ramamurthi & Tandon's Textbook of Neurosurgery, Volume 1, 3rd Edition, pg: 67-80
Efficacy and Outcomes of Balloon Sinuplasty in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Prospective Study. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, January, 2012 (DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0462-9).
Outcomes in management of pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis: our experience Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Phonosurgery and Laryngology January – June 2012, 2 (1): 14 – 19
Unilateral Internal Auditory Canal Stenosis with progressive facial weakness Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngology 2012: 18 (2), 179 - 182
A Rational Approach to the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, February, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s12070-011-0381-9).
Effect of Intravenous Administration of Steroids in the Management of Sudden Sensori-Neural Hearing Loss: Our Experience. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, February, 2012 (DOI: 10.1007/s12070-012-0506-9).
A Clinical Study of Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine (IJSM), 2011; ISSN: 0973-340X, Vol. 6, No.2, pg: 54-61 June, 2012 (Online ISSN: 0974-0155).
Unilateral internal auditory canal stenosis with progressive facial weakness – Case report Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Bangladesh J Otorhinolaryngology 2012, 18 (2): 179 – 182
Randomized Comparative Study of Adenotonsillectomy by Conventional and Coblation method for Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 76 (2012) 816 – 821 doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2012.02.049
Prevalence of sleep abnormalities and their association among Hypothyroid patients in Indian population Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Sleep Medicine Doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.07.006
Cochlear & Brainstem Implants in Neurotology – Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Chapter contributed to Ramamurthi & Tandon's Textbook of Neurosurgery, Jaypee Brothers Publication, 2012, 3rd Edition, Vol.1, Section : 2; pg: 67-90.
Electro-Acoustic Stimulation with Hybrid Implants: A New Horizon in Hearing Restoration ENT – What's New 2012, Vol. VII, Issue – 19, pg: 17-21
Cochlear Implants, Auditory Brainstem Implants, Totally Implantable Hearing Devices, Auditory Midbrain Implants, C-DACS and Electro- Acoustic Stimulation / Hybrid Implants Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Chapter contributed to Bachi Hathiram & Vicky Khattar's Textbook - Atlas of Operative Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery – Jaypee Brothers Publication, 2013, 1st Edition, Vol.1, pg: 36-60.
A Clinical Study of Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials in Cochlear Implantees Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, August, 2012 (DOI: 10.1007/s12070-012-0563-0).
Implantable Hearing Devices Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Chapter contributed to Stilianos E. Kountakis's Textbook - Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery – Springer Publishers, 2013, 1st Edition, (In Print).
Lasers in Tropical Diseases Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Chapter contributed to Vasant swal's Textbook – Principles and Practice of Lasers in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery – Kugler Publishers, 2013, 2nd Edition.
Canal-wall down mastoidectomy for cholesteatoma: CWU, CWD – reconstruction or obliteration in Cholesteatoma and ear surgery – An update 2013, Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: pp. 55-57
Electrophysiological Correlates of Behavioural Comforts levels in Cochlear Implantees – A Prospective Study Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, October 2013 (DOI: 10.1007/s12070-013-0679-X).
Clinical study of Aided Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials in Pediatric Auditory Brainstem Implantees Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of Hearing Science Vol. 3 – No: 2, June 2013 pp 1 – 8
Electrophysiological Correlates of Behavioural Comfort Levels in Cochlear Implantees – A Prospective Study. Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Published Online First™ on 16th October, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s12070-013-0679-x.
Cochlear Implantation & Cardiac Associations Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Doi: 77 (2013) 1303 – 1307, Vol. 77, Issue 8, Page 1303 -1307, Aug 2013.
A study of the efficacy and outcomes of hearing preservation technique in Cochlear Implantees with residual hearing – experience in Indian patients Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Hearing Science (2013) Vol. 3, Issue 3, page 52, September 2013
Efficacy and Outcomes of Balloon Sinuplasty in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A prospective study Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Vol. 65, Suppl 2, pg: 314 – 319, Aug 2013
Clinical Application of a Multimodal Electrophysiological Test Battery to predict Optimal Behavioral Levels in Cochlear Implantees Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of Hearing Science Volume 3, No.4, Pg: 31-48, December 2013; Online as eJournal on 11th March, 2014).
A Clinical Study of Electrophysiological Correlates of Behavioural Comfort Levels in Cochlear Implantees Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International, March 7th 2014; [E pub ahead of print] (DOI: 10.1179/1754762814Y.0000000064 & Pub med Index - PMID: 24606544).
Standards of practice in the field of hearing implants Prof. Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International, Vol IV, Supplement 2, Pg S1 – S5, June 2013
A Clinical Study of Electrophysiological Correlates of Behavioural Comfort Levels in Cochlear Implantees Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Paper in Cochlear Implants International, 2014, Vol 15, No: 3, page: 145 – 160.
Public Health Implications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Burden Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Indian Journal of Pediatrics September (2014) 81 (Suppl): S55 – S62, DOI 10.1007/s12098-014-1539-8
Children Obesity from Global Determinants to Local Consequences: The Indian Perspective. Mohan Kameswaran et al Commentary in Indian Journal of Pediatrics September (2014) 81 (Suppl 1): S2 – S4, DOI 10.1007/s12098-014-1538-9
Auditory Neural Prosthesis – A window to the future Mohan Kameswaran Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) 50 (1&2): 57 -74, 2014
Jugular foramen lesion – MERF experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otolaryngology Vol. 34, No: 1, March 2014
Cochlear Endoscopy – current Status Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Method in Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otolaryngology Vol. 34, No: 1, March 2014
Comparison of treatment modalities in syndromic children with obstructive sleep apnea – a randomized cohort study Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2014) 1526 -1533, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.06.027
Facial nerve neuromas: case series Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otology Vol. 34, No. 2, Sept 2014
First Branchial Cleft Anomaly presenting as a Post – auricular sinus – Case report & literature Mohan Kameswaran et al Care Report in Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otology Vol. 34, No. 2, Sept 2014
Balloon Eustachian tuboplasty: a new interventional modality in the horizon Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otology Vol. 34, No. 2, Sept 2014
Sinonasal Rosai- Dorfman disease Mohan Kameswaran et al Case report in Clinical Rhinology: An International Journal, Sept – Dec 2014;7(3): page: 142-146, 10.5005/jp-journals-10013-1217
Prospective double blinded randomized controlled study comparing he efficacy of a novel bio-degradable synthetic polyurethane foam (nasopore) VS standard polyvinyl acetate sponge (Merocel) as packing material after Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery – The First Indian Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Clinical Rhinology 7 (3) Pg 105-111, Sept – Dec 2014
Long term outcome of Cochlear Implantation in five children with common cavity deformity Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology Vol: 79, February 2015, Pg 685 – 689
Syndromic deafness - prevalence, distribution and hearing management protocol in Indian scenario Mohan Kameswaran et al Annals of Medicine and Surgery 4 (2015) page: 143-150, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amsu.2015.04.002
Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients In India: Parental Satisfaction With Rehabilitation Services And Correlation With Outcomes Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of Hearing Science 2015 Vol. 5 – No: 2: page: 42-48
Comparison of outcomes following Cochlear implantation in early and late implantees Mohan Kameswaran et al Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otology Vol. 35, No. 2, Sept 2015: 6 - 11
Electrophysiological correlates of behavioral comfort levels in Cochlear Implantees: A prospective study Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (July – Sept 2015) 67(3): 210 – 222; DOI 10.1007/s12070-013-0679-x
Cochlear Implantation in isolated large vestibular aqueduct syndrome: Report of three cases and literature review Mohan Kameswaran et al Case Report in International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Vol. 19, No: 4/2015, page: 359 – 363.Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0034-1395791. ISSN 1809 - 9777
Genetics: A new frontier in Otology Mohan Kameswaran et al Invited Article in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head Neck surgery (Jan – March 2016) 68(1):1-5; DOI 10.1007/s12070-016-0972-6
Posterior Tympanotomy revisited Mohan Kameswaran et al Bihar and Jharkhand Journal of Otology Vol. 36, No. 1, March 2016: 6 - 9
Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty (BET) Mohan Kameswaran Lead Article in ENT What’s New Vol- VIII, Issue – 23, pg, 4-6
Application of lasers in the Management of Tropical Diseases Mohan Kameswaran Synopsis in ENT What’s New Vol- VIII, Issue – 24, pg, 11-18
Stem cell therapy for treatment of deafness Mohan Kameswaran Synopsis in ENT What’s New Vol- VIII Issue – 25, pg 11-16
Synopsis: Video Head Impulse Test Mohan Kameswaran ENT What’s New Vol- VIII Issue – 27, pg 11-12
Consensus statement: Long-term results of ABI children with complex inner ear malformations and decision making between CI and ABI Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International Vol- 17, No: 4, July 2016, pages: 163-171
A study of vestibular dysfunction in Cochlear Implantees Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in SAS Journal of Surgery ISSN2454-5104, http://sassociety.com/sasjs/Vol. 2, Issue 5, (Sept – Oct, 2016), p-228 – 232
Audiological outcomes of stapedotomy: Our experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in SAS Journal of Surgery ISSN2454-5104, http://sassociety.com/sasjs/Vol - 2, Issue – 5 (Sep – Oct, 2016); p-209 – 213
Cochlear Implantation in patients with renal dysfunction Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of Hearing Science ® 2016 Vol. 6, No: 4, DOI: 10.17430/897064, page: 25 – 35
Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials – A Reflection of Auditory Maturation – An Overview Mohan Kameswaran et al Bihar & Jharkhand Journal of Otolaryngology Vol: 36, No: 2, Sep 2016: 12 – 15
The evolution of hearing from fishes to homo sapiens – A chronological review Mohan Kameswaran et al Review Article in Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences 2016; 4(12): 1060 – 1069, DOI: 10.21276/sajb.2016.4.12.1
Translabyrinthine approach to internal auditory meatus: A retrospective study Mohan Kameswaran et al Short Communication in Medical Journal Armed Forces India 74 (2018) 65-71, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mjafi.2016.11.002
Toxoplasmosis Arytenoid – A rare case report Mohan Kameswaran et al The Kerala Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery Vol. 14, No: 1, October – December 2016: 31 – 35
Challenges in implanting Auditory Neural Prosthesis: A review of the surgical journey Mohan Kameswaran et al Invited Article in The Kerala Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery Vol. 14, No: 1, October – December 2016, page: 9 – 14.
Auditory effects of noise pollution: Current research and future trends Mohan Kameswaran et al Review Article in Annals of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Year: 2017, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Page: 2-5
A study of anomalies of cochlea and cochlear nerve in children with congenital profound hearing loss – An Indian perspective Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 13(1): 1 – 11, 2017, Article no: JSRR.31080, ISSN: 2320-0227 SCIENCEDOMAIN International
Knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to vertigo among newly diagnosed patients: Findings of a prospective, observational registry in India Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of The Association of Physicians of India Vol. 65, Issue No: 3, pag: 26 – 33, March 2017, ISSN 004-5772.
Auditory midbrain implants: A window to stimulate the central auditory system Mohan Kameswaran et al Review Article in Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 11(1): 33 – 40, 2017, ISSN: 2395-4477 (P), ISSN: 2395-4485 (O).
Does cerebellar flocculus size affect subjective outcome in pediatric auditory brainstem implantation Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 97 (2017) page: 30 – 34, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2017.03.027
Clinicoetiological pattern and pharmacotherapy practices in patients with new onset vertigo: findings from a prospective multicenter registry in India Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery pISSN 2454-5929/eISSN 2454 – 5937 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20171202 April – June 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 2, , page: 404 – 413.
Hearing solutions for candidates of candidates having single sided profound deafness with contra-lateral serviceable hearing Mohan Kameswaran et al The Kerala Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery April – June 2017, Vol. 15, No: 2, pg: 22-25
Tuberculous Otitis media: a resurgence? Mohan Kameswaran et al Main Article in The Journal of Laryngology & Otology DOI – 10.1017/S0022215117001281, pg 1 – 8
Cochlear implantation in the developing world: perspectives from the Indian subcontinent Mohan Kameswaran et al ENT & Audiology News September/October 2017, Vol:26, No: 4, page: 2-3.
Stem Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Deafness: A viable solution for Hearing Restoration in Future Mohan Kameswaran et al Invited Article in The Kerala Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery July – September 2017, Vol. 15, No: 3, pg: 6-10
Cochlear Implantation in the Indian Subcontinent: Lessons for the Future Mohan Kameswaran et al Invited Article in The Kerala Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery July – September 2017, Vol. 15, No: 3, pg: 11-13.
Primary Nasal Tuberculosis – A Case Report Mohan Kameswaran et al Rare Case Reports – Ear, Nose & Throat, Springer Healthcare Education Series Short Communication in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 59, No. 1, January-March 2006, page: 87- 89.
A rare case of dysphonia in mitochondrial myopathy Mohan Kameswaran et al Case Report in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery July – September 2017, Vol: 3, Issue: 3, page: 745-748 pISSN 2454-5429/eISSN 2454-5937DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20173061
Adult capillary hemangioma of vocal cord – A rare presentation and review of literature Mohan Kameswaran et al The Kerala Journal of ENT Head & Neck Surgery July – September 2017, Vol. 15, No: 3, pg: 21-22
Cochlear Implants in patients with incomplete partition type II: Surgical considerations Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery October – December 2017; Vol. 3, Issue: 4, page: 1081 – 1086. pISSN 2454-5429/eISSN2454-5937DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20174338.
Bilateral temporal bone fractures: A case report Mohan Kameswaran et al Case report in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery pISSN 2454-5929/eISSN 2454 – 5937 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20175640 January -February 2018, Volume 4, Issue 1, page: 271 – 275.
An Algorithm for CSF Leak Management in a Spectrum of Temporal Bone Pathologies Mohan Kameswaran et al Case report in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2018, Volume 8, Issue: 1000348 ISSN: 2161-119X, 3, DOI:10.4172/2161-119X.1000348
Changes in response characteristics of cortical auditory evoked potentials in bilateral cochlear implantees Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery pISSN 2454-5929/eISSN 2454 – 5937 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20175625 January -February 2018, Volume 4, Issue 1, page: 197 – 202.
Management of advanced otosclerosis: Experience in a tertiary care centre Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery pISSN 2454-5929/eISSN 2454 – 5937 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20180439 March – April 2018, Vol 4, Issue 2, Pages: 376 – 380
Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation in Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder and the role of Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials in Benefit Evaluation Mohan Kameswaran et al Turkish Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2018 Mar; 56: 15 – 20, DOI:10.5152/tao.2017.2537
Habilitation Outcomes in Paediatric Cochlear Implantation – A South Indian Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2018, Volume 8, Issue: 5, 100354,ISSN: 2161-119x, DOI:10.4172/2161-119X.1000354
Management Algorithm for CSF leak in complex temporal bone pathology Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of Otology & Rhinology March 2018; Vol:7, pg:49. DOI: 10.4172/2324-8785-CI-009-006.
Audit of Bilateral Simultaneous Cochlear Implantation in Pediatric Population: South Indian Study Mohan Kameswaran et al Turkish Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 2018; 56: 36 – 41, DOI:10.5152/tao.2018.2804
A sustainable model for cochlear implantation in the developing world: perspectives from the Indian subcontinent Mohan Kameswaran et al review in Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Volume 26, Number 3, June 2018, pages : 196 – 199
Genetics of deafness Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Medical Research 2018 Apr; 147(4), page: 431 – 432, doi: 10.4103/0971-5916.236366.
Implantacion Coclear en el subcontinente indio: perspectiva desde uno de los principales centros implantadores del Sur de la India (Article in Spanish) Mohan Kameswaran et al Hablan los medicos, integracion J, Official Journal of Euro – Ci group July 2018, No: F87-05, pg: 6-9
Cochlear Implantation in Advanced Otosclerosis – The Surgeon’s Perspective Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2018; Volume 8, Issue 5, 1000353 DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X.1000353, ISSN:2161-119X.
Paediatric Auditory Brainstem Implantation (ABI): A journey through surgery and outcomes Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2018; Volume 8, Issue 3, 1000350 DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X.1000350, ISSN:2161-119X.
Sphenoid Sinus Mucoceles Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery pISSN 2454-5929/eISSN 2454 – 5937 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20182700 July – August 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4, pages: 907-912
Cochlear implantation in Meniere’s disease: Surgery and Outcomes Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20184359 November - December 2018, Volume 4, Issue 6, page: 1458-1461 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937
Non – tumoral Auditory Brainstem Implantation: The current status and future directions Mohan Kameswaran et al Editorial in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2019; Volume 9, Issue 2, 1000e118,DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X.1000e118, ISSN:2161-119X.
Isolated Sphenoid Sinus Disease – The MERF Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access (2019); Volume 9, Issue 2, 1000363 ISSN: 2161 – 119X, DOI: 10. 4172/2161-119X.1000363
Practical and ethical issues for delivery of advanced ENT services in the Indian subcontinent: efforts to ‘Bridge the Gap’ Mohan Kameswaran et al Review in Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 27, No: 00, Month 2019, pg 1 – 7
Expanding Access: Cost-effectiveness of Cochlear Implantation and Deaf Education in Asia Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery DOI: 10.1177/0194599819849917, pages: 1 – 11
A Novel Classification for the Rational Management of Lateral Skullbase Osteomyelitis Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access Volume 9, Issue 3. 1000371, ISSN: 2161 – 119X
Genetic Research in Otosclerosis: A new frontier in Otology Mohan Kameswaran et al Editorial in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2019; Volume 9, Issue 3, 1000e119, ISSN: 2161-119X
Paediatric Auditory Brainstem Implantation: The South Asian experience Mohan Kameswaran et al European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases 136 (2019), S9-S14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anorl.2018.08.015.
Recurrent nodular fasciitis of the external auditory canal: an intriguing diagnosis Mohan Kameswaran et al Case report in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery pISSN 2454-5929//eISSN 2454 – 5937 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20192743 July – August 2019, Vol 5, Issue 4, Pg 1118 – 1121
Otorhinolaryngological manifestations in Down Syndrome: MERF Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery pISSN2454-5929/eISSN2454–5937DOI: tp://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20192731 July – August 2019, Vol 5, Issue 4, Page: 1065 – 1070
Surgery for Paediatric Laryngotracheal Stenosis: A South Indian Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Research article in Otolaryngology: Open Access Volume 9, Issue 4. 1000373, ISSN: 2161 – 119X
Auditory brainstem implantation (ABI) in children without neurofibromatosis type II (NF2): Communication performance and safety after 24 months of use Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants Journal ISSN:1467-0100 (print) 1754-7628 (Online) https:doi.org/10.1080/14670100.2019.1690264
Bilateral Bone Anchored Hearing Aids: A case report on Right Side Percutaneous and Left Side Transcutaneous Implant Mohan Kameswaran et al Clinical Report in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-019-01766-z
Cochlear Implantation in Congenital Long – QT Syndrome: A Comprehensive study Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in The Journal of International Advanced Otology 2019; 15(3):352-7. DOI: 10.5152/iao.2019.7404
Cochlear Implantation in Children with Usher’s Syndrome: A South Asian Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-019-01759-y ISSN 2231 – 3796, DOI 10.1007/s12070-019-01759-y
Prevalence of Ear Disease among School children in Pondicherry, South India: A cross-sectional survey Mohan Kameswaran et al Research Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2019; Volume 9, Issue 5, 1000379, ISSN: 2161-119X.
Expanding criteria in candidacy for Cochlear Implants leads to Newer trends in Auditory Habilitation Mohan Kameswaran et al Editorial in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2018; Volume 8, Issue 5, 1000e117, DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X.1000e117 ISSN: 2161-119X
Subtotal Petrosectomy in Cochlear Implant Surgery: Our Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-020-01819-8, ISSN 2231 – 3796
Quality of life measures provided by the Glasgow benefit inventory among Cochlear Implant users: Is this quality of evidence adequate to assess outcomes? Mohan Kameswaran et al Review Article in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2019; Volume 9, Issue 5, 1000380, ISSN: 2161-119X.
A retrospective study of Cochlear Re-implantations – Experience from a large centre in India Mohan Kameswaran et al
Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2019, 57(1): 14-8168. Role of Lasers in laryngeal malignancies Mohan Kameswaran et al Journal of Head and Neck Physicians and Surgeons Vol 7, Suppl 1, October 2019: s70.
Rhinoentomophthoramycosis: Madras ENT Research Foundation Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Case Report in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery November-December 2019, Vol 5, Issue 6, Page: 1732-1735 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20194962.
Genetics: The New Link in Obstructive Sleep Apnea – A Review Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Current Medical Science & Dental ResearchVol: 1, Issue 4, Nov-Dec 2019, pp: 41-46 ISSN: 2581-866x, www.ijcmsdr.com
Role of lasers in glottic malignancies – our experience Mohan Kameswaran et alOriginal Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery February 2020, Vol 6, Issue 2, Page: 364-368 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20200152.
Management of advanced Cholesteatoma: Madras ENT Research Foundation experience Mohan Kameswaran et alOriginal Research Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery June 2020, Vol 6, Issue 6, Page: 1149-1154 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20202216.
A retrospective clinical audit of outcomes of Cochlear Implantation in children with multiple disabilities in comparison with normal implantees: A south Indian experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck SurgeryDOI 10.1007/s12070-020-01844-7, ISSN 2231-3796
Posterior semi-circular canal electrode misplacement in Goldenhar’s syndrome Mohan Kameswaran et al Case report in Cochlear Implants International ISSN: https://www.tandonline.com/loi/ycii20 https://doi.org/10.1080/14670100.2020.1802905
Comparison of Clinician versus parental perspective of outcomes in Cochlear implantees: A South Indian experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ISSN 2231-3796, DOI 10.1007/s12070-020-01959-x
Cochlear implantation in different socioeconomic groups – bursting the myth Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 136 (2020) 110156, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2020.110156
Current trends in the management of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Mohan Kameswaran et al Editorial in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2020; Volume 10, Issue 3, 394, ISSN: 2161-119X.
3D Printed Temporal Bones – Current status & future directions Mohan Kameswaran et al Short communication in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2020; Volume 10, Issue 4, 399, ISSN: 2161-119X.
Role of Nitric Oxide in the Paranasal Sinuses – ‘Demystifying the Aerocrine Organ’ Mohan Kameswaran et al Review in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2020; Volume 10, Issue 3, 398, ISSN: 2161-119X.
A study of outcome of pediatric Cochlear Implantation in patients with Cochleovestibular nerve deficiency Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in The Journal of International Advanced Otology 2020: 16(2):X-DOI: 10.5152/iao.2020.8466
The reliability of hearing implants: report on the type and incidence of cochlear implant failures Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International Vol.21, No: 4, 2020 pg 227 – 237.
Sensory influences in Children due to online classes in the Covid Era Mohan Kameswaran et al Editorial in Otolaryngology: Open Access 2020, Volume 10, Issue 5, 401, ISSN: 2161-119X.183. Interrupted cochlear implant habilitation due to COVID -19 pandemic -ways and means to overcome this International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2020) 110327, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2020.110327.
Mapping Auditory Maturation from Neonates to Toddlers using Electrophysiological Responses of the Brainstem.Otolaryngology: Open Access J (Sunnyvale),ISSN:2161-119X, September 2020; Vol.10, No.5, pg:1-7. DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X.1000402.
Subtotal Petrosectomy in cochlear implant surgery: our experience. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Sep; 72(3):320-325.
Cochlear implantation in bilateral chronic otitis media: Surgical issues and outcomes. An International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Clinics. Sept – dec 2020, vol 12, issue 3, 54-57.
Comparison of Clinician Versus Parental Perspectives of Outcomes in Cochlear Implantees: A South Indian Experience. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery; Epub 2020 July 13, pg:1-4; and printed in 2021March; Vol.73, No.1, pg:41-44, SpringerLink: Print ISSN 2231-3796 / Online ISSN 0973-7707;DOI: 10.1007/s12070-020-01959-x.
Implantation Otology.Chapter: 6; In book: Head and Neck Surgery Archives of India -Current Concepts in Otolaryngology; Eds: Deepak V. Haldipur& Vishwas K Vijayadev,Vol-1; pg: 45-56, Micro Knowledge Academy Publications (National ENT HNS Advancement Trust), India, January 2021.
Chapter: 16; In book:Vestibular Schwannomas- PGINS Monograph Series; Eds: MC Vasudevan & AV Thamburaj, pg: 147-163, BOHR Publications, India, January 2021.
Auditory Brainstem Implantation. Chapter: 23; In book:Vestibular Schwannomas- PGINS Monograph Series; Eds: MC Vasudevan & AV Thamburaj, pg: 227-237, BOHR Publications, India, January 2021.
Endoscopy of the Cerebello-Pontine Angle : An Overview. Journal of Hearing Science. 11. 19-22. 10.17430/JHS.2021.11.2.2.
Vestibular dysfunction after cochlear and auditory brainstem implantation: Madras ENT Research Foundation experience. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Mar;7(3):513-519
Laser excision of lingual schwannoma: a case report. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021Apr ENT complications of diabetes mellitus. World Clinics Diabetology. Complications of Diabetes. 2021 vol 3, No.1: 111- 129.
Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis Mohan Kameswaran et al Article 3 in Clinical Rhinology: An International Journal, May-August 2012;5(2): page: 72-86, 10.5005/jp-journals-10013-1224
A clinical profile of revision cochlear implant surgery: MERF Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International DOI 10.1080/14670100.2020.1823128
Quality of life assessment in paediatric cochlear implant recipients in South India: Parental assessment and correlation with rehabilitation scores using a bilingual quality of life assessment questionnaire Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International DOI 10.1080/14670100.2020.1841436
Audiological and Surgical Outcomes of Pediatric Cochlear Implantation in Mondini’s Dysplasia: Our Experience Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in The Journal of International Advanced Otology J Int Adv Otol 2021; 17(1): 19-22*DOI: 10.5152/iao.2020.8983
Role of immediate pre-operative tympanometry in Cochlear Implantation: MERF Protocol and ExperienceMohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in The Journal of International Advanced Otology https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-021-02591-z
Systemic review of cochlear implantation in adults with asymmetrical hearing loss Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International DOI 10.1080/14670100.2021.1936363190. Socio-demographic profile and its influences on rehabilitation in children undergoing revision cochlear implantation – MERF experience Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijporl.2021.110919
Covid associated orbital apex syndrome: Madras ENT Research Foundation experienceCase series in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery September 2021, Vol 7, Issue 9, Page: 1513-1516 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20213289.
Challenges in managing complex middle ear disease: MERF experience Original Research article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery October 2021, Vol 7, Issue 10, Page: 1653-1659 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20213901.
Systemic review of cochlear implantation in adults with asymmetrical hearing loss Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International Volume 22, 2021 – Issue 6, pages: 311-329 http://doi.org/ 10.1080/14670100.2021.1936363
Covid associated Mucormycosis: An Epidemic within the Pandemic. In book: Pandemic and Problems: Lessons for recovery and resilience; Eds: Sudha Seshayyan and MB Aswath Narayanan, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University Series, pg: 143-158, Cool Publications, Chennai, India, December 2021.
Endoscopic cerebrospinal fluid leak repair combined with thecoperitoneal shunting for spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea:MERF experienceOriginal Research article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery October 2022, Vol 8, Issue 10, Page: 821 - 825 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937.DOI: https://dx.d.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20222442.
Deafness Screening & Cochlear Implantation in the Indian Subcontinent - "The Hub & Spoke Model of Tamil Nadu". ENT UK Global Health Journal 2022;pg:38-41,publishers- www.beamreachuk.co.uk,https://www.entuk.org/global-health-journals.
Perioperative ischemic optic neuropathy following subtotal petrosectomy: A rare complication of ear surgery causing vision lossCase Report Mohan Kameswaran et al Indian Journal of Ophthalmology – Case reports Saturday, January 21, 2023, IP:, pp 133 – 135
COVID – 19 Infection Associated Unilateral Vocal Cord Palsy: A New Entity Case Report Mohan Kameswaran et al International Journal of Phonosurgery & Laryngology Volume 12 Issue 2 (July – December 2022), pp 44-47
Complication profile in a Cochlear Implantation – Surgical Audit in a large study population of low socio-economic status in a developing country Mohan Kameswaran et al Cochlear Implants International http://doi.org/ 10.1080/14670100.2023.2233212
Innovation for CI surgery and habilitation in the COVID era: the MERF, Tamil Nadu experience Original Research Article Mohan Kameswaran et al Original Article in International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery April 2023, Vol 9, Issue 4, Page: 288 - 292 pISSN 2454-5929, eISSN 2454-5937. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20230759
Spindle cell carcinoma of the larynx: a rare entity International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2023 Nov;9(11):891-895
MERF Institute of Speech and Hearing (P) Ltd - MERFISH

MERF-ISH Clinical Unit and Academic Unit is the extension of MERF. Several students and interns in this field from leading institutions across the country have been doing their internship training at MERF for several years. This has crystallized into the MERF-ISH where all aspects of clinical, research and teaching of Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology have been brought under one roof. "MERF-ISH has started B.ASLP and Ph.D course in affiliation with The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, approved by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).
MERF-ISH provides complete professional service to the clients with speech, language and hearing disorders with latest advanced technologies. Being the leading institution in the field of Hearing Evaluation, Conservation& Restoration, MERF ISH has the “state of the art” infrastructure and cutting edge technology to treat all types of Hearing, Speech, Language and Voice Disorders. MERF ISH serves to almost 20,000 patients from all over the world every year. MERF ISH is the third biggest Auditory Brainstem Implant center in the world for restoring hearing in children born without inner ear/nerve.
MERF ISH is the only institution in India to be part of the “HEARRING” (A network of preeminent international centers offering comprehensive hearing implant solutions for the treatment of hearing loss). MERF ISH has long standing record for setting trends in the clinical services, treatment and also in research.
The rich clinical exposure and opportunity makes the students of MERF ISH as one of the most sought after professionals in this part of the world. The students passing out from this institution are well placed in India and abroad. Read more...
MERF regularly receives post graduates for higher training from the following institutions namely-
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry
Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Thandalam, Chennai Bengaluru, NH 48, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 602105
SRM Medical College Hospital and Research center, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu 603211
Tagore Medical College & Hospital, Melakottaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600127
Karpaga Vinayaga Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research Center GST Road, Chinna Kolambakkam, Palayanoor, Maduranthakam, Tamil Nadu 603308
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Tiruporur Guduvancherry Main Road, Ammapettai, Chengalpet Taluk, Kancheepuram District, Nellikuppam, Tamil Nadu 603108
A C S,Medical College and Hospital Poonamallee High Rd, Velappanchavadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600077
Chettinad Health City, SH 49A, Dist, Kelambakkam, Tamil Nadu 603103
VHS ALNC MERF Skull Base Team
MERF has a well established ENT and Neuro Collaborative team which has been the tertiary referral center for handling complex skull base cases. The Dr.Achanta Lakshmipathi Neurosurgical theatre at VHS is the state of the art and consists of Neuronavigation and neuromonitoring with post operative Neuro ICU. Doctors from MERF and ALNC work together in managing patients together at both sites especially for pediatric Auditory Brainstem Implantees, patient with skull base tumors and CSF leak repair cases.

Composition of Ethics Committee
Dr. Vasudevan M C
MBBS, MD-General Medicine
Chair Person
Mr. Ranjith Rajeswaran
Member Secretary
Dr. Anand Kumar RS
Dr. Saranya Narayanan
MBBS, MD Pathology & Microbiology
Medical Scientist
Dr. Suresh S
Scientific Member
Mr. Venkatesan Alagar
B.A, B.L
Legal Expert
Dr. Naresh Kumar MP
MBBS MS-General Surgery, M.Ch.Cardiothoracic
Dr. Sankara Bhagavad Pada
Social Scientist
Mr. Ganesh K
Lay Person
Ms. Amirtha Varshini MJ
HSC, SSC Masters in Speech and Hearing
Scientific Member