No-1, Ist Cross Street, Off. II Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai – 600 028.
Phone : + 91 44-24 311 411 / 412 / 413 / 414 / 415 + 91 44-24 311 416

MERF is the first ENT hospital in Tamil Nadu to get the NABH accreditation.
MERF is one of the very few ENT teaching institutes in India to have successfully run the DNB in ENT program for 20 years.
MERF was among the first centers to start the Cochlear Implantation programs in South India since 1996 and boasts of more than 5000 Implantees today making it the largest Cochlear Implantation center in this part of the world.
MERF was the first center in South and South East Asia to start total Implantable hearing device in the year -----
MERF was the first and the only pediatric Auditory Brain Stem Implantation center in South Asia starting at 2009 today boasts of around 100 Auditory Brain Stem Implantees.
MERF also has one of the largest series of complex Laryngotracheal stenosis.
MERF was also the pioneer institutions to have started Laser surgeries in Otorhinolaryngology with a dedicated professional team of surgeons and anesthetists with expertise in Laser surgeries.
MERF was one of the first institutes to perform Ballon Sinoplasty in the year 2009.
MERF is the academic secretariate for multiple scientific associations like the Indian Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (IAOHNS), Tamil Nadu Association of Otolaryngology (TNAOI), Indian Association of Surgeons for Sleep Apnea (ISSA)