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Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant in MERF

The Cochlear Implant team at MERF is headed by Prof. Mohan Kameswaran. The audiology team and Auditory Verbal Habilitation team is headed by Mr. Ranjith (Chief Implant Audiologist). MERF has one of the most advanced & experienced Cochlear Implant Clinics in this part of the world. The CI Clinic is dedicated to individuals who are severe to profoundly hearing challenged. The goals of this clinic, is to meticulously evaluate the hearing loss with advanced computerized electrophysiological tests & perform a comprehensive work up for cochlear implantation which includes Radio-imaging, CI Counseling & preparation for CI Surgery.

MERF is also one of the very few centres in the world to introduce the new generation of cochlear implant – electro acoustic stimulation (EAS). These implants are performed in patients with significant amounts of low frequency residual hearing and hearing loss in higher frequencies. A special technique of surgery is performed which augments hearing in the missing frequencies while preserving residual hearing. Hence the term EAS. Apart from CI this clinic also caters to other implantable hearing devices – BAHA, Bone Bridge, Vibrant sound bridge and Paediatric auditory brain stem implant.


Prior to CI surgery this clinic follows a protocol wherein each hearing deprived child is evaluated for syndromic associations & higher mental functions. Eye testing is done by our Ophthalmologist & Vaccination is provided by our Pediatrician prior to surgery. The child is also evaluated by Occupational therapist & Clinical Psychologist for bringing out their best performance with Cochlear Implantation. This clinic also provides an opportunity for parents of potential implantees to meet & interact with other Cochlear Implantees & their parents in order to understand the CI program, its benefits and also get an orientation to Auditory Verbal Therapy prior to surgery.


All candidates who undergo Cochlear Implantation, routinely follow up at the CI clinic for periodic assessment of their Implant function & if required to troubleshoot any problems with the implant by electrophysiological testing & Mapping. Over 3000 Cochlear Implants have been performed till date at MERF, making it one of the largest & pioneering clinics in South Asia. The hallmark of the MERF Cochlear Implant Program has been the in-house well equipped & state of the art Auditory Verbal Habilitation Unit.

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