No-1, Ist Cross Street, Off. II Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai – 600 028.
Phone : + 91 44-24 311 411 / 412 / 413 / 414 / 415 + 91 44-24 311 416

Prof. R. S. Anand Kumar

*B.Sc (Chemistry) - 1971 (Madurai University)
*MBBS - 1976 (Madras University)
*DLO - 1980 (Madras University)
*MS - 1981 (Madras University)
*FICS - 1998
*MAMS - 2008
* Academic Director & Consultant Otolaryngologist - Head & Neck Surgeon, Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd., Chennai. From 1996
* Faculty – DNB in ENT at Madras ENT Research Foundation from 2001
* Consultant Otolaryngologist - Head & Neck Surgeon, Vaman Clinic, Chennai from 1981.
* Director, Madras ENT Research Foundation – Institute of Speech & Hearing Chennai from 2006.
* Faculty – Fellowship in Implantation Otology The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical . University from 2011
* Co-Guide for PhD in Oto Rhino Layrngology Recognized by The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University from 2012 Honorary Positions - Steering committee Member AOI, South Zone.
*Postgraduate Trainee in Otolaryngology, Institute of Otolaryngology, Madras Medical College, Chennai 1978.
*Senior House Officer in Neuro-Surgery, Institute of Neurology, Government General Hospital, Chennai 1978.
*Senior House Officer in Anaesthesia, Government General Hospital, Chennai 1978.
*Senior House Officer in Radio Diagnosis, Bernard Institute of Radiology, Government General Hospital, Chennai 1978 – 79
Professional Experience
* Consultant ENT surgeon for past 33 years
* Former Consultant ENT surgeon, Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital, Chennai
* Former Consultant ENT surgeon, CSI Kalyani Hospital, Chennai
*Life member - The Association of Otolaryngologists of India, 1990
*Life member - Indian Society of Otology, November 1992
*Life member – Indian Medical Association, 1994.
*Founder member - Association of Pediatric Otolaryngologists of India, 1994.
*Founder member – Association of Otolaryngologists of India – Tamil Nadu Chapter, 1997.
*Fellow, International College of Surgeons – Indian section from February 1998.
*Founder member – SAARC Association of Otolaryngologists, 1998.
*Founder member of Cochlear Implant Group of India, 2001.
*Founder member, AOI South Zone, 2004.
*Life member of Chennai City Branch, Association of Otolaryngologists of India
*Treasurer, Association of Otolaryngologists South Zone from 2005 to 2010.
*Treasurer, Association of Otolaryngologists, Tamil Nadu from 1997 - 2012
* International Otology and Sinus Endoscopy workshop organized by Georgia Ear Institute, Savannah, US in August 1996.
* Cochlear Implant Training Workshop under Prof. Graeme Clark at the Australian Bionic Ear and Hearing Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia in October 1996.
* 16th International Hands-on Laser workshop in Middlesbrough, Cleveland, UK in October 1999.
* International Head and Neck Cancer workshop, Birmingham, UK in October, 1999.
* Lasers in ENT - Interaction with Shanghai ENT Hospital, China in May 2002.
* Visited House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, USA, November 2006.
* Rhinoplasty workshop in Batra Hospital, New Delhi, November 1987.
* XIV Temporal bone microsurgery and II Neurotological workshop at G.S.Seth Medical College and KEM Hospitals, Bombay, September 1990.
* Endoscopic nasal and sinus surgery course, Chennai Kaliappa Hospital, August 1992.
* Live Ear surgery course under Dr. John. J. Shea organized by Indian Society of Otology, Chennai, November 1992.
* Indo – US CME programme in Speech and Hearing and Neurotology, Institute of Speech & Hearing, Govt. General Hospital Chennai, January 1993.
* Head and Neck surgery workshop at Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, January 1996.
* CME program on Ear surgery in Temporal Bone, Govt Stanley Medical College, Chennai, June 1997.
* Lateral Skull Base Surgery Workshop at Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai in January 1999.
* Bone Anchored Hearing Aids Workshop at Basavangudi ENT Centre, Bangalore in August, 2001.
* Advanced Otology Workshop organized by Prof. UGO FISCH, FISCH FOUNDATION & ABR DESAI FOUNDATION, in Mumbai, January 2003.
* 12th Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop, jointly organized by Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital with P.D. Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre under Prof. Stammberger, in Mumbai, August 2003
* Advanced Endoscopic nasal and skull base surgery – Current trends, Sundaram Medical Foundation Chennai, February 2005.
* Participated BAHA Hands on workshop at Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, May 2008.
* Participated in the Interactive CME on Head and Neck Imaging,- TARGET Chennai, June 2008.
* Participated in Hands on Head & Neck workshop at Nagpur August 2008.
* R.S.Anand Kumar, Kiran Natarajan.
Speech Disorders in Children.
Indian journal of Practical Pediatrics
Vol.1, No.1, pg 45-50, Apr – Jun, 1999
*Sathiya Murali, R.S.Anand Kumar, Mohan Kameswaran,
Endoscopic Laser Arytenoidectomy In Bilateral Abductor Paralysis,
Annals of Endocrine Surgery
Vol.7, No.7, pg 34 – 35, Nov. 2002
*Sathiya Murali, Mohan Kameswaran,R.S.Anand Kumar, Kiran Natarajan
Efficacy of KTP/532 Laserization Combined with Intraluminal Ultraflex
Stent for Tracheal Stenosis,
Asian Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat
Vol. 1, No. 1, pg 36-46 Jan-Mar, 2003
* Mohan Kameswaran, Kiran Natarajan, R.S.Anand Kumar, George Thomas,
Sathiya Murali
Unusual Presentation of a Giant Glomus Tumor
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol. 55, No.3, pg 196 – 199, July – Sept 2003.
* Mohan Kameswaran, M.C.Vasudevan, R.S.Anand Kumar, Jawahar Nagasundaram, Kiran Natarajan, S.Raghunandhan
Auditory Brainstem Implantation: The First Indian Experience
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Vol. 57, No.1, pg 58 – 63, Jan – Mar 2005.
* M.Kameswaran, R.S.Anand Kumar, S.Murali, K.Natarajan, V.Krishnan
Cochlear Implantation in Ossified Cochlea - MERF Experience
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol.57, No. 4, pg 327-329, Oct - Dec 2005.
* Mohan Kameswaran, R.S.Anand Kumar, Sathiya Murali, S.Raghunandhan, Jeeth Jacob
KTP-532 Laser in the Management of Rhinosporidiosis
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol.57, No. 4, pg 298-300, Oct - Dec 2005.
* Mohan Kameswaran, R.S.Anand Kumar, S.Raghunandhan, Kiran Natarajan, Sathiya Murali
Management of Laryngotracheal Stenosis - The MERF Experience
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Special Issue –II, pg 459-462, 2005.
* Mohan Kameswaran, R.S.Anand Kumar, Sathiya Murali, S. Raghunandhan, P Vijaya Krishnan
Primary Nasal Tuberculosis – A Case Report
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,
Vol. 59, No. 1, pg 87-90, Jan – Mar 2006.
* Mohan Kameswaran, R.S.Anand Kumar, Kiran Natarajan, Dilip Raghavan, Jawahar Nagasundaram, Jeeth Isaac Jacob
Cochlear Implantation in Multi-Handicapped Patients: The MERF Experience
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol 58, No. 2, pg 168-171, Apr – Jun 2006
* Mohan Kameswaran, Dilip Raghavan, R.S.Anand Kumar, Sathiya Murali
Surgical Management of Trismus due to Oral Submucus Fibrosis – Lysis of
Fibrotic Bands with the KTP-532 Laser
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol. 58, No. 3, pg 229-31, Jul - Sept 2006.
* Mohan Kameswaran, R.S.Anand Kumar, Kiran Natarajan, K.Karthikeyan,
Jawahar Nagasundaram, Sathiya Murali
Laryngeal Thrush: MERF Experience
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol. 58, No. 4, pg 329-31, Oct – Dec 2006
* Mohan Kameswaran,R.S.Anand Kumar, Sathiya Murali, S.Raghunandhan, K.Karkhikeyan.
Cochlear Implantation in Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome – A Surgical
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery
Vol. 59, No.3, pg 280 -3, July - Sept 2007.
* Raghunandhan.S, Mohan Kameswaran,R.S.Anand Kumar, Anoop Kumar Agarwal, Mohammod Delwar Hossain. A Study of Complications and Morbidity Profile in Cochlear Implantation: The MERF Experience. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, published 'Online First' on 15th December, 2011 (DOI 10.1007/s12070-011-0387-3).
* S. Raghunandhan, P. Vijaya Krishnan, Sathiya Murali,R.S.Anand Kumar, Mohan Kameswaran. Endolymphatic Sac Tumour: A Neoplastic Cause for Meniere's Syndrome. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, published Online First™ on 26th December, 2011 (DOI: 10.1007/s12070-011-0395-3).
* Vijayakrishnan. P, Raghunandhan. S,R.S.Anand Kumar, Mohan Kameswaran. A Rational Approach to the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, published Online First™ on 22nd February, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s12070-011-0381-9).
* S.Raghunandhan, Anoop Kumar Agarwal, Kiran Natarajan, Sathiya Murali,R.S.Anand Kumar, and Mohan Kameswaran. Effect of Intravenous Administration of Steroids in the Management of Sudden Sensori-Neural Hearing Loss: Our Experience. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, published Online First™ on 25th February, 2012 (DOI: 10.1007/s12070-012-0506-9).
* Anoop Kumar Agarwal, Raghunandhan. S, R.S.Anand Kumar, Mohan Kameswaran. A Clinical Study of Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine (IJSM), 2011; Vol.6, No.2, pg: 54-61 (Print ISSN: 0973-340X), and published Online on 4th June, 2012 (Online ISSN: 0974-0155).
* As an Academic Director, was instrumental in developing Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd, which is an internationally accepted center for Cochlear Implantation.
* Faculty - All India Otological Microsurgical Workshop at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (Deemed University) November 1995.
* Faculty - Head & Neck Surgery Workshop held at Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum in January 1996.
* Faculty - SkullBase and Head & Neck Workshop at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (Deemed University) May 1996.
* Treasurer of the South Zone Conference of AOI at Chennai, March 1997.
* Faculty - CME program on Ear Surgery in Temporal Bone at Stanley Medical College, Chennai June 1997.
* Organized 1st Otological Micro-Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai August 1997.
* Responsible for initiating and organizing AOI Tamilnadu State Branch – Inaugural Conference held at Yercaud October 1997.
* Organized 2nd Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai December 1997.
* Organized 3rd Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai March 1998.
* Organized 1st All India Workshop in Audiology for ENT Surgeons at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai March 1998.
* Organized 4th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai August 1998.
* Organized 1st Pediatric Cochlear Implant Workshop in Association with Cochlear Corporation, Melbourne, Australia at Madras ENT Research Foundation, August 1998.
* Organized 5th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai December 1998.
* Organized 6th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai March 1999.
* Organized 7th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai August 1999
* Organized 2nd All India Workshop on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai August 1999.
* Organized 8th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai December 1999
* Organized KTP 532 Laser in ENT - Live Surgery Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai December, 1999.
* Organized 9th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai March, 2000.
* Organized workshop on Auditory–Verbal Approach and Cochlear Implants in the Education of the Hearing Impaired, Sponsored by The Clarke School for the Deaf, Chennai & Instituut Voor Doven, Netherlands, at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, March, 2000.
* Faculty - FESS 2000 (Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop) organized by Maruti Hospital, Trichy July, 2000.
* Organized 10th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai August, 2000.
* Organized 3rd All India Workshop on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai October, 2000.
* Organised KTP 532 Laser in ENT - Live Surgery Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November, 2000.
* Faculty & Coordinator of Laser Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai December 2000.
* Organised 11th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai December, 2000.
* Faculty- FESSRMC – 2001 organised by Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (Deemed University), Chennai, January 2001.
* Organized 12th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, March, 2001.
* Faculty - All India Hands–on Temporal Bone Workshop – 2001 organized by Dept of ENT & Head & Neck Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (Deemed University), Chennai, April 2001.
* Organized 1st All India Cochlear Implant - Contour Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, May 2001.
* Organized 13th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, August, 2001.
* Faculty - International Laser workshop at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (Deemed University) August 2001.
* Organized the 14th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, October, 2001.
* Faculty - Live Laser Surgery in Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery at Govt Koti Hospital, Hyderabad November, 2001.
* Faculty - Live ENT Surgical Workshop organized by A.O.I Madurai & Dept. of ENT, Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai Medical College, at Madurai November, 2001.
* Faculty - Live ENT Workshop organized by Maruti Hospital, Trichy, December, 2001.
* Organized 15th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2001.
* Organized Workshop on Recent Developments in Cochlear Implants at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February, 2002.
* Faculty - Laser ENT Surgery – Live Workshop, Tilak Hospital, Trichy, February, 2002.
* Organised 16th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, March 2002.
* Faculty - FESSRMC 2002 Workshop at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (Deemed University), Chennai, April 2002.
* Faculty - Laser Surgery Workshop organized by Nova ENT Centre, Hyderabad, June 2002.
* Faculty - Live Surgery Workshop organized by AOI & Singari ENT Hospital, Vijayawada, July, 2002.
* Organised 2nd All India Audiology workshop for ENT Surgeons at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2002.
* Organised 3rd All India Live Laser Surgery Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2002.
* Organised 17th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, August 2002.
* Organizer and Honorary Treasurer of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India South Zone & VI Tamilnadu State Conference, Chennai, September, 2002.
* Faculty - Live Surgery Workshop organized by AOI & GEM Hospital, Tirunelveli, September, 2002.
* Organized 18th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2002.
* Organised All India Live Surgery FESS Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, March 2003.
* Organised 19th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, March 2003.
* Organised 20th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, August 2003.
* Member, Organising Committee, VII Tamilnadu State Conference at Tanjore, September, 2003.
* Organized 21st Otological Microsurgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2003.
* Faculty - Live Surgical Workshop on Laser Surgery in Laryngeal Lesions at the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of Annamalai University at Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, February 2004.
* Organized 22nd Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2004.
* Faculty - CME Program & Live Surgical Demonstration organized by Harvey Clinic, Rajapalayam, April 2004.
* Organized 23rd Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2004.
* Organised Audiology Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2004.
* Organised Basic ENT Workshop Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, August 2004.
* Organising Secretary, Cochlear Implant Group of India – 2nd National Conference, Chennai, October 2004.
* Organized 24th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November 2004.
* Faculty - TEMFESS 2004 organized by Department of ENT and Head & Neck Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute (DU), Chennai, November 2004.
* Organised 25th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February, 2005.
* Faculty 5th All India Live ENT Surgical Workshop organized by Maruti Hospital, Trichy, February 2005.
* Organised Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop at Madras ENT Foundation, Chennai, April 2005.
* Organised 26th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2005.
* Panelist, Cochlear Implant Panel, AOI, South Zone and IX Tamilnadu & Pondicherry States ENT Conference, Pondicherry, September 2005.
* Organised 27th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2005.
* Speaker – Symposium on Sleep Apnoea, 58th Annual Conference of AOI, Lucknow, January 2006.
* Faculty - TANFESS 06 - Hands on Cadaveric Dissection & Live Endoscopic Surgery Workshop organized by Dept of Otorhinolaryngolgy and Anatomy, Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur, January 2006.
* Organized 28th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, Feb 2006.
* Faculty - Live Surgery Workshop organized by Maruti Hospitals, Trichy, March 2006.
* Faculty - Live Surgery Workshop organized by Dr. Soundar ENT Nursing Home, Pattukottai, May 2006.
* Organised Current Status of ENT at Madras ENT Research Foundation, June 2006.
* Organized 29th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2006.
* Faculty – Cochlear Implant Workshop, Tilak Hospitals, July 2006.
* Faculty - Otoneurology and Audiology workshop and Vth Henrietta Siebers Batts Oration on Endolymphatic Sac Decompression and Cochlear Implant Surgery, CMC Vellore, December 2006.
* Organized workshop on Advanced Phonosurgery and Laser Endolaryngeal Surgery, at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December, 2006.
* Organized 31st Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2007.
* Organized the First Clinical-Audiological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, March 2007.
* Organized International Update on Electrophysiology at Madras ENT Research Foundation, March 2007.
* Organized 1st Clinical-Pathological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, April 2007.
* Organized Clinical-Audiological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, May 2007.
* Organized Clinical-Pathological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, June 2007.
* Organized Multi-Disciplinary Symposium on "Tobacco and Health" commemorating The World Anti-Tobacco Day along with IMA - Poonamalle high road branch, at Madras ENT Research Foundation, June 2007.
* Organized 32nd Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2007.
* Organized Clinical - Audiological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, July 2007.
* Organized Clinical - Pathological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, August, 2007.
* Organized Clinical – Audiological meet at Madras ENT Research Foundation, September 2007.
* Panelist, Current status of Cochlear Implant, 11th Annual Conference of Tamil Nadu, Trichy, September 2007.
* Organized 33rd Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November 2007.
* Organized "Recent advances in Brainstem and Cochlear implants" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November 2007.
* Organized 'Live Surgical Workshop on Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome' at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2007.
* Organized 34th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2008.
* Guest Faculty at "Tamil Nadu FESS Workshop" at Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur, July 2008.
* Faculty member in the 35th Otological Micro Surgical Workshop Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July, 2008.
* Organized "Model OSCE Examination" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, August 2008.
* Organized 'Cochlear Implant' Live surgical and hands on workshop along with Cochlear Corporation at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, August 2008.
* Organized "6th All India Cochlear Implant Workshop" – Concurrent Workshops for Surgeons, Audiologists & Auditory Habilitationists, at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, September 2008.
* Organized 'Live Surgical Workshop on Balloon Sinuplasty 08' at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, October 2008.
* Organized "36th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2008.
* Organised 'Advanced Phono Surgery Workshop' Concurrent Workshop for Surgeons & Speech Pathologists at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2008.
* Faculty member Temporal Bone Workshop at Tanjore January 2009. Organised "37th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2009.
* Organized 'World Anti Tobacco Day Commemorative Multi Disciplinary Symposium' at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, June 2009.
* Guest Faculty, at the 'Global ENTCON2009' organized by Department of ENT, Global Hospitals & Health City, Perumbakkam, Chennai, July 2009.
* Organised "38th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2009.
* Organizing Treasurer "AOI-5th South Zone & 13th Tamil Nadu State Conference" at Chennai, October 2009.
* Organised "39th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November 2009.
* Organised "International Course on Research Methodology & Presentation skills' at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2009.
* Organised "40th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2010.
* Organised "41st Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2010.
* Organised "42nd Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November 2010.
* Organised "43rd Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2011.
* Organised "7th All India Cochlear Implant Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February, 2011.
* Organised "44th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2011.
* Organised "45th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, November 2011.
* Organized "All India Live Surgical Workshop on Sleep Apnoea" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2011
* Organized "International Workshop on Advanced Otology" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, January 2012
* Organized "46th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2012.
* Organized "All India Neurotology Update-2012" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, March 2012.
* Organized 'Cochlear Implant Workshop' at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, April 2012.
* Organized "47th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2012.
* Organized "48th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2012.
* Organized "49th Temporal Bone Workshop" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2013.
* Faculty " All India Live Surgical Workshop Under IASSA at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2013
* Organized "50th Temporal Bone Workshop" & Live Surgical Workshop Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2013.
* Organized "51st Temporal Bone Workshop" Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2013.
* Organized "52nd Temporal Bone Workshop" Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, February 2014.
* Faculty "1st Temporal Bone Workshop" Anand Hospitals Coimbatore March 2014.
*First SAARC ENT Congress, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 1998.
* XVII - IFOS World Congress of ENT surgeons, Cairo, Egypt, October 2002.
* Chairman, Vestibular symposium, Fourth SAARC ENT Congress, Colombo, Srilanka, August 2004.
* Invited Speaker on 'Developing a Rational Approach in the Management of Sleep Apnoea' at the XIX ENT WORLD CONGRESS IFOS 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
* 'ABI 2010 – State of the art Symposium on Brainstem Auditory Implants Workshop' organized by Uppsala University at Uppsala, Sweden, June 2010.
* 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Auditory Technologies at Stockholm, Sweden, June 2010.
* All-Russian Congress on Cochlear Implantation with International Partnership at Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 2010.
* Hearring Meeting at Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 2010.
* 12th Asia Oceanic ORL-HNS Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, March 2011.
* 8th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences, Daegu, Korea, October 2011.
* 9th International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery, Nagasaki, Japan 2012.
* Academic meeting in Mexico City, Mexico – November, 2012.
* 29th Politzer Society meeting Antalya November - 2013
*8th Asia Pacific conference on Cochlear Implants and related sciences, November 2013 Hydhrabad, India.
*International conference on Cochlear Implants and related sciences, June 2014 Munich, Germany.
* South Zone ENT Conference, Bangalore, August 1979.
* Southern regional conference at Hyderabad, September 1980.
* 38th Annual conference of AOI, Madras, Jan 1986.
* 40th Annual Conference of AOI, Udaipur, February 1988.
* Regional Conference of AOI, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry and CME on Septorhinoplasty, Chennai, September 1988.
* 42nd Annual conference of AOI, Pune, February 1990.
* Inaugural conference of the Indian Society of Otology, November 1992.
* Inaugural conference of APOI at Kolar, Karnataka, October 1994.
* 2nd National Conference, APOI, Madras, August 1995.
* 48th Annual conference of AOI, Cuttack, January 1996.
* AOI South Zone Conference, Chennai, March 1997.
* 43rd Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons, Indian Section, Mount Abu, September 1997.
* 44th Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons, Indian Section, Chennai September, 1998.
* Inaugural Conference of AOI - Tamil Nadu, at Yercaud, October 1997.
* AOI South Zone Conference, Bangalore, July 1998.
* 2nd Annual Conference of AOI, Tamil Nadu, Trichy, September 1998.
* The Sinus Endoscopic Society of India Conference, Chennai, December 1998.
* Annual conference of AOI, Cochin, January 2000.
* 4th Annual conference of AOI - Tamil Nadu at Erode, September 2000.
* VII APOICON Conference & XIII Annual Conference of the North Eastern Branch of the AOI, Imphal, October 2000.
* 53rd Annual Congress of AOI, Chandigarh, January, 2001. 22. 14th World Congress of the International Society for Laser surgery and Medicine, Chennai, August 2001.
* 5th Annual conference of AOI- Tamil Nadu, at Kanyakumari, September 2001.
* 6th Annual conference of AOI- Tamil Nadu and South Zone Conference, Chennai, September 2002.
* 7th Annual conference of AOI - Tamil Nadu State, Tanjore, September 2003.
* 1st Cochlear Implant Group of India conference, Mumbai, November 2003.
* 10th Annual Conference of APOICON 2004, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, February 2004.
* 2nd National Conference of The Cochlear Group of India, (CIGI) Chennai, October 2004.
* 8th Annual Conference of AOI – Tamil Nadu at Madurai, November 2004.
* South Zone and 9th Annual Conference of AOI - Tamilnadu & Pondicherry, at Pondicherry, September 2005.
* 57th Annual Conference of AOI, organized by King George Medical College and AOI Lucknow Branch, Lucknow, January 2006.
* 10th Annual conference of AOI - Tamil Nadu, at Ooty, September 2006.
* 2nd South Zone and 24th AOI- Karnataka State Conference at Belgaum, October 2006.
* 11th Annual conference of AOI - Tamil Nadu at Trichy, September 2007.
* 3rd South Zone ENT Conference at Trivandrum, Kerala, October 2007.
* 5th CIGI Conference at Pune, November 2007.
* 59th Annual Conference of AOI, Agra, January 2008.
* 12th Annual conference of AOI - Tamil Nadu at Mahabalipuram, September 2008.
* 4th South Zone ENT Conference at Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh, October 2008.
* 6th CIGI Conference at Bangalore, November 2008.
* 61st Annual Conference of AOI, Jaipur January 2009.
* CME on 'World Anti Tobacco Day Commemorative Multi Disciplinary Symposium' at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, June 2009.
* Treasurer of the "AOI-5th South Zone & 13th Tamil Nadu State Conference" at Chennai, October 2009.
* 62nd Annual Conference of the AOI, AOICON-2010 at Mumbai, January 2010.
* 6th South Zone & 28th Karnataka State ENT Conference, Mysore, October 2010.
* 8th Annual Conference of Cochlear Group of India, CIGICON 2010, organized by Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, November 2010.
* Organising Treasurer, 63rd AOICON 2011, Chennai, January 2011.
* 7th Southzone Conference Calicut Kerala, October 2011.
* Organising Treasurer, 52nd NAMSCON Chennai October 2012.
* 10th CIGICON Ahamedabad November 2012.
* 'Otoneurosurgical workshop-Crossing the Dural barrier' organized by Institutes of Neurology & Otorhinolaryngology at Madras Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai, December 2012.
* Organized "FIRST All India Conference IASSA" Chennai, February 2013
* Organized 2nd National Conference of the Laryngology & Voice Association – 'Laryngology Update 2013', August 2013.
* Organized 9th Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences Hyderabad- November 2013.
* 66th AOICON Mysore – January 2014.
* Organized "SECOND All India Conference IASSA" Calicut, February 2014
*Endoscopic Management Of Tracheal Stenosis with KTP/532 Laser and Tracheal Stents at IFOS – World Congress of ENT surgeons, Cairo, Egypt. October 2002.
* Endoscopy of The Cerebello Pontine Angle, at 4th SAARC ENT Congress, Colombo, Sri Lanka, August 2004.
* Rational Approach to the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome at IFOS – World Congress of ENT surgeons, at Sau Paulo, Brazil, 2009.
* Presented a paper titled "Bacteriology in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media and role of Doxycyline" in South Zone conference of AOI in Hyderabad, September 1980.
* "Role of Serratiopeptidase in sinusitis" 42nd Annual Conference of AOI, Pune, February 1990
* Chairperson for free paper session in All India AOI Conference, Cochin in 2000.
* Guest Speaker on "Application of KTP Laser in Paediatric Airway at the VII APOICON Conference & XIII Annual Conference of the North Eastern Branch of the AOI, Imphal, October 2000.
* Presented paper on "Management of bilateral abductor palsy – retrospective analysis of 20 cases" at 14th World Congress of the International Society for Laser surgery and medicine, Chennai, August 2001.
* Guest speaker in "Endoscopy in ENT"at IMA Kerala State Conference Trivandrum in Nov 2001.
* Guest lecture on BAHA at Audiology for ENT surgeons at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai in July 2002.
* Guest speaker on "Sinusitis - Modern Approach" organised by USV pharmaceuticals Chennai in Nov 2002.
* Guest speaker on "Implantable Hearing Aids" in Audiology workshop at Madras ENT Research Foundation, July 2003
* Chairperson for CME programme - Annual conference of Tamil Nadu State AOI, Sept 2003.
* Guest Speaker on 'Sleep Apnoea', at the 58th Annual Conference of AOI, organized by King George Medical College and AOI Lucknow Branch, Lucknow, January 2006.
* Chairperson, Live Surgical workshop, 11th Annual conference of AOI, Tamil Nadu at Trichy, September 2007.
* Panelist, "Current status of Cochlear Implants", 11th Annual conference of AOI, Tamil Nadu at Trichy, September 2007.
* Guest Speaker on 'Recent advances and the rational approach in the management of Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome", 52nd NAMSCON, Chennai, 2012.
*Tutor - National Board of Examinations at Madras ENT Research Foundation since Jan 2001
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Madras ENT Research Foundation, August 2004
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Madras ENT Research Foundation, July 2005
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Sundaram Medical Foundation, July 2006
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Madras ENT Research Foundation, July 2009
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Madras ENT Research Foundation, April, 2011
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Madras ENT Research Foundation, June 2012
*Conducted mock OSCE for DNB students at Madras Medical College, march 2014
* USA - Attended International Otology workshop organized by Georgia Ear Institute, Savannah, US in Aug 1996.
* Australia - Attended the Cochlear Implant Training Workshop under Prof.Graeme Clark at the Australian Bionic Ear and Hearing Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia in October 1996.
* Bangladesh - Attended first SAARC ENT Congress, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Feb, 1998.
* UK - Attended International Laser workshop and Head and Neck cancer workshop in UK in October 1999.
* China- Interaction with Shanghai ENT Hospital for Lasers in ENT in May – 2002
* Egypt - Presented paper on 'Endoscopic Management of Tracheal stenosis with KTP /532 laser and tracheal stents' in IFOS – World Congress of ENT surgeons, Cairo in October 2002.
* USA – Los Angels –House Ear Institute – November 2006.
* Brazil – Sao Paulo, IFOS World Congress, 2009.
* Korea – Deagu, 8th APSCI, 2011.
* Japan – Nagasaki, Cholesteatoma 2012.
* Mexico –Mexico city, 2012
* Turkey- Antalya, Politzer Society 2013.
*Munich, Germany CI International Conference 2014
Conducted several free Rural ENT Camps in Tamil Nadu. Organising and conducting free charitable clinics in & outside Chennai catering to the underprivileged section of the society.
* Participated in a free "ENT Surgical Camp" conducted by Lions Club of Vellore in June 1978.
*Participated in an "ENT and General Health Camp" held at Nochikuppam, conducted by Lions Club of Marina Beach in Oct 1978.
* Participated in an "ENT and General Health Camp" conducted by Lions Club of Kumbakonam in January 1980.
* Participated in ENT Camp organized by Lions Club of Madras, Nandambakkam, August 1980.
* Participated in Comprehensive Health Camp organized by Lions Club of Madras, Beasant Nagar, Chennai, February 1981.
* Conducted a Free Hearing Checkup Camp for the Senior Citizens on the 1st Deafness Prevention Day, at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai under the Association of Otolaryngologists of India in Nov 1998.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 1999.
*Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, April 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, July 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, August 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 1999.
* Conducted a Free Hearing Checkup Camp for Senior Citizens on the Deafness Prevention Day, at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai under the Association of Otolaryngologists of India in Nov 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, December 1999.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, April 2000.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 2000.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, August 2000.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2000.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 2000.
* Conducted a free ENT camp organized by Lions Club, Podaturpet in October 2000.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, December 2000.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, February 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, April 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, July 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 2001.
* Conducted a free ENT camp organized by Lions Club, Podaturpet in October 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, December 2001.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, February 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, July 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, August 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 2002.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, December 2002.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Lions Club, Podaturpet, in February, 2003.
* Participated in Surgical Camp at Trichy in February 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, February 2003.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Lions Club, Kancheepuram, in March, 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp, Pattukottai, March 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp, Pattukottai, May 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, July 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, August 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 2003. Thanthai Periyar's 125 B'day Multispeciality Consultation Camp, Vepery, Chennai, September 2003.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Lions Club, Podaturpet, in November, 2003.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, November 2003.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Lions Club, Kancheepuram, in December, 2003.
* Organised "Deafness Awareness Camp" at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, December 2004.
* Conducted a Free Camp organised by Madras ENT Research Foundation, Villivakkam, Chennai, December 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, February 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 2004.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Lions Club, Manavala Nagar, Thiruvallur, March, 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp, Pattukottai, April 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, August 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 2004.
* Conducted a Sight First Seminar & Camp organised by Lions Clubs International District 324-AA, Kanchipuram, October, 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, November 2004.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, January 2005.
* Conducted a Free Camp organized by Madras ENT Research Foundation, Perambakkam, Chennai, February 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, February 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 2005.
* Conducted a Free Screening Camp organized by Madras ENT Research Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Kumaraswamy Welfare Centre, Kanyakumari, April 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2005.
* Conducted a Free Surgical Camp organized by Madras ENT Research Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Kumaraswamy Welfare Centre, Kanyakumari, June 2005.
* Conducted a Free Hearing Assessment Camp at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai, July 2005.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp in collaboration with Lodge Accountants No: 194, at Sacred Heart Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Mogappair, Chennai, August 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp, Pattukottai, August 2005.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp at Thiruvallur in collaboration with Thiruvallur Lions Sangam, September 2005.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp in collaboration with Thirupathur Santhana Nagar Lions Sangam, Thirupathur Malaigal Nagar Lions Sangam and, Thirupathur Santhana Nagar Leo Sangam, District 324-A4, September 2005.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp in collaboration with Lions Club of Arakkonam Junction, Arakkonam, October 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, February 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, June 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, August 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, October 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, December 2005.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, January 2006.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, March 2006.
* Conducted a Free Screening & Surgical Camp organised by Madras ENT Research Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Kumaraswamy Welfare Centre, Kanyakumari, May 2006.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2006.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, July 2006.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, September 2006.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, December 2006.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Lions Club, Podaturpet, in January, 2007.
* Conducted surgical camp, Pattukottai, March 2007.
* Conducted a Free Screening and Surgical Camp organized by Madras ENT Research Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Kumaraswamy Welfare Centre, Kanyakumari, May 2007.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp , Pattukottai, May 2007.
* Conducted a screening and free ENT camp for civil supplies CID personnel in May – June 2007.
* Conducted Screening & Surgical camp at Pattukottai, July 2007.
* Conducted Screening & Surgical camp at Pattukottai, September 2007.
* Conducted free ENT camp organized by Kanchipuram Hellen Keller Lions Club and Lions club of Little Kanchi, September 2007.
* Conducted ENT camp at Saibaba Temple , Mylapore, Chennai November, 2007.
* Conducted surgical camp at Sounder ENT Hospital at Pattukottai, Nov 2007.
* Conducted free ENT Screening Camp Organised by Lions Club of Podaturpet, December 2007.
* Conducted Screening and Surgical Camp, Pattukottai, December 2007.
* Organized surgical camp, Sounder ENT Hospital at Pattukottai, March 2008.
* Organized surgical camp, Sounder ENT Hospital at Pattukottai, May 2008.
* Organized surgical camp, Sounder ENT Hospital at Pattukottai, July 2008.
* Conducted a Free ENT Camp organised by Parasparam Trust, Bathalagundu, September 2008.
* Conducted free ENT Screening Camp Organised by Lions Club of Podaturpet, September 2008.
* Organized surgical camp, Sounder ENT Hospital at Pattukottai, October 2008.
* Organized surgical camp, Sounder ENT Hospital at Pattukottai, February 2009.
*Conducted camp at Arakonam Govt. High school, organized by the Lions Club of Arakonam, February 2010
*Conducted free ENT Screening Camp Organised by Lions Club of Podaturpet, December 2011
*Conducted camp at Arakonam Govt. High school, organized by the Lions Club of Arakonam, March , 2012
*Conducted free ENT Screening Camp Organised by Lions Club of Podaturpet, December 2012
*Conducted free ENT Screening Camp Organised by Lions Club of Podaturpet, September 2013