No-1, Ist Cross Street, Off. II Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai – 600 028.
Phone : + 91 44-24 311 411 / 412 / 413 / 414 / 415 + 91 44-24 311 416
Voice and Swallowing Disorders Clinic
Voice and Swallowing Disorders Clinic
The voice clinic at Madras ENT Research Foundation is dedicated exclusively to the diagnosis and treatment of Voice and Swallowing disorders. Dr. S. Sudhamaheswari, Consultant ENT Surgeon heads this department. The goal of the voice laboratory is to analyze the voice and improve its quality and care. The department conducts regular "Advanced Phonosurgery Workshop" with "Hands-on Cadaver Dissection" to address the various voice disorders and its management.
Individuals who have experienced a recent deterioration of voice quality or have become concerned about a long-standing problem with hoarseness benefit from the multi-disciplinary voice assessment which includes the state-of-the art Videostroboscopy.
The videostroboscope is used to visualize and record events of the vocal cords in slow motion. The scope captures the ultra-slow motion of the vocal folds. This allows the specialist to look for any micro level changes of the vocal folds with maximum precision. It is of immense help in studying the mechanics of vocal cord movement in singers and professional voice users like teachers, lawyers, politicians etc. There is also special voice assessment software which aids in diagnosis and treatment of voice problems.
People suffering from recent or long standing Swallowing problems can undergo comprehensive evaluation under one roof in the swallowing clinic. Most of the Swallowing problems need multidisciplinary approach involving a team of specialized doctors and Speech pathologists. Patients will be subjected to Endoscopic examination, Barium Swallow, Blood tests and other necessary investigations to identify the type of disorder and then treatment modality will be decided.
On an average the Department performs 1200 video laryngoscopies, 60 stroboscopies, 100 direct laryngoscopies and 150 microlaryngeal surgeries per year. The Department runs a special OPD for Voice and Swallowing disorders on Mondays from 8.30
am to 2pm.